折叠丝路 × AECOM丨跨越国界,用景观连接城市与自然


如何平衡西安深厚的历史文化积淀与高新科技所驱动的“硬核”发展?景观设计在新城发展过程中将扮演怎样的角色?筑格对话AECOM公司景观部门负责人李程(Lee Parks),带您走进景观建筑师的独特视角。


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While the ancient capital of Chang'an was once an international economic and cultural center on the Silk Road stretching over Asia and Europe, contemporary Xi'an is an innovation engine leading the development of central and western China, under the national initiative of "One Belt, One Road". "The Science City of the Silk Road" is an international science hub initiated in 2021 by the Xi'an Hi-Tech Zone, and also Xi’an’s pivoting point to build a "Dual Center" (a “comprehensive national science center” and a “regional technological innovation center”).

如何平衡西安深厚的历史文化积淀与高新科技所驱动的“硬核”发展?景观设计在新城发展过程中将扮演怎样的角色?筑格对话AECOM公司景观部门负责人李程(Lee Parks),带您走进景观建筑师的独特视角。

In the process of urbanization, how to balance the historical and cultural heritage of Xi'an with the economic development driven by high-tech? What is the role of landscape in the process of urban development? ArchiDogs were honored to interview Mr. Lee Parks, the Head of Landscape at AECOM, sharing the unique perspective of a landscape architect.

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Historical and cultural construction is never the result of a single day. Xi 'an has made strategic changes in the urban public space in the past decade from Daming Palace to the Small Wild Goose Pagoda. How to "reproduce history" and integrate history into modern public space is not only the proposition of architects but also the pursuit of details and spatial experience of landscape architects.

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You have participated in the pre-planning of Xi’an Daming Palace National Relic Park in 2008, as well as the renovation of the Small Wild Goose Pagoda district in 2021. What is your opinion on Xi’an’s strategic changes over the past decade?

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In 2008, I was involved in the pre-planning of Daming Palace which was a study before an international competition was held. The point of that study was to try and get a much greener national relics park and responsive to archaeology and history, but the end result of that park, which I wasn't involved in, is very grand in terms of design. I think at that time, there was a lot of emphasis on the magnificence of the ancient capital and creating an enormous space for celebrating history.


After a decade, working on the Small Wild Goose Pagoda, the emphasis has been changed, to a more human-oriented, community-friendly, greener, and more sustainable design. It was a really nice and welcome change. And, it enabled us as designers to really create a place for tourists and local residents in the community to make it much more inclusive. 

小雁塔历史文化片区综合改造项目 西苑鸟瞰 ©丘文建筑摄影-邱日培

小雁塔历史文化片区综合改造项目 轴线视角 ©丘文建筑摄影-邱日培


We've seen lots of fine details in the Small Wild Goose Pagoda project. Could you please tell us more about these details?  It’s kind of like treasure-hunting in the landscape. 


I was very inspired by the pagoda itself and some of the artefacts in the Xi'an museum which includes relics from the Tang Dynasty. We wanted to be able to present those in a more contemporary way, integrating those into some of the subtle details whether that's paving or furniture to tell the story, but not too strong.




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"The Science City of the Silk Road" was first established in the Xi'an Hi-Tech Zone in 2021, and it is now taking shape. While promoting economic growth, high-tech industries in this smart city can also benefit historical preservation as well as the environment.


Currently, in establishing the High-Tech Zone, Xi’an is pursuing development in terms of high-tech and information digitalization under the “One Belt One Road” policy.  In the meantime, Xi’an’s profound historical identity is very much cherished by the public. In your opinion, how do we balance the historical context and technological development? 


As a landscape architect, obviously, technology and historic conservation should be aligned. There shouldn't be a conflict between these two. The secret for us is how to leverage technology for a positive outcome. Designers use technology to convey our design intent and use that technology to improve the efficiency of design. But then the technology for the residents, consumers and people who use the spaces we create, should be used in a way that really does help protect relics and promote social equity and inclusion. 

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小雁塔历史文化片区综合改造项目 ©AECOM


In your opinion, what's the key element that a technology-oriented high-tech district needs in its development?


I think technology should be used in ways to benefit society, to benefit the environment, to tackle issues like climate change or biodiversity loss.  What we need to do is use data and information in a way that enables us to do better for people, for communities and for wildlife,  and to tackle the big issues of our day which are climate-change related. 

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小雁塔片区海绵设施布局 ©AECOM&西安小雁塔景区运营管理有限公司

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小雁塔片区生态策略 ©AECOM


The High-Tech Zone is now taking shape.  If you had a chance to participate in its urban development, what would you like to do? Do you have any suggestions? 


I was thinking about the idea of the Silk Road and technology. I know that over recent years, there has been a lot of effort to increase afforestation.  I think that the science and technology base can have a research center or science-base where data is collected, to look at this ecological greening from the high-tech district along the Silk Road, to imagine reforestation, habitat restoration, and to monitor all of that through digital technology. So this should be the start of a Silk Road Ecological Corridor restoring the planet, thinking about biodiversity gain, and tackling climate change. 

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小雁塔历史文化片区综合改造项目 ©丘文建筑摄影-邱日培

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In urban development, landscape architecture plays an important role in creating good public space. The idea of landscape goes beyond the scale of an urban neighborhood or a city, and even extends beyond the limit of national boundaries. Its role in addressing global issues such as climate change and the biodiversity crisis cannot be ignored.


The technological revolution has brought about new concepts like VR and AIGC, which have become mainstream in recent years. How do we integrate these cutting-edge technologies into architecture, urban planning, or landscape architecture? Have you tried any of these technologies in your previous projects? 

AI 图像生成和可视化技术的发展正给市场带来飞速变革,因此不少建筑师和设计师都开始为未来的工作感到担忧,但我认为技术进步将帮助促进设计师的想象力和创造力。新技术将在初始的概念设计阶段发挥很大作用;同样的,VR(虚拟现实)和数字建模技术在与客户沟通以及施工过程中都很有帮助,可以将设计的所有细节可视化,大大提升设计效率。

The AI imagery and visualization is rapidly changing in the market, and many architects and designers worry about their jobs in the future. However, technology is there to really help imagination, creativity, and innovation. It plays a very important role in the beginning concept stage.  Then, when we use things like VR and digital models of our projects, we can help clients understand the designs we're creating, and visualize all of the details to help with construction. 

AECOM在上海设计的杨浦大创智数字公园(KIC 481)是杨浦区首批数字公园之一,设计突破了传统景观设计的方式,包含了对公共空间资产化和科技赋能的探索,借助虚拟数字技术的力量,通过“线上+线下”联动的数字公园营造新模式,更好地为城市居民服务。我们的实践正处于数字化转型阶段。 

AECOM has a project in Shanghai in the Greater Knowledge Innovation Community (GKIC). It’s one of the Yangpu district’s first digital parks and will enable school children to engage in education, which would involve technology companies to install technology platforms for forums and engagement. We are also involved in the digital transformation of our practice.

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上海KIC 481数字城市 ©AECOM


At the Conference of Streetscape Research Center, you stated that the significance of street blocks goes beyond the blocks.  In this era, overloaded with digital information and surrounded by highly modernized urban space, how can urban or landscape design balance economic, environmental, social, and cultural needs?

这是一个很大的议题。在全球范围内,已经有很多关于环境、社会、治理(Environmental, Social, Governance, 简称ESG)的讨论,该议题关注长期可持续发展与韧性。我之前所提出的关于街景的观点是指我们不能仅仅在规划红线中考量一个项目,而是要考虑到该项目对周边社区的影响,以及场地与周边生态空间的连接。在增加优质公共空间与社区资源的连通性、可达性方面,景观设计起到很重要的作用。

This is a very big topic. From a global perspective, there's a lot of talk about environmental, social and governance strategies, or ESG. ESG should also think about resiliency,the long-term sustainable development. In the talk I did for the Streetscape Research Center, the idea of going beyond the block was that we don't look at a project from a red line. We look at how it impacts surrounding communities or connects to several surrounding green spaces. So, landscape architecture plays a really important role extending the connectivity and the access to good public space and community resources.

小雁塔片区改造后的城市界面 ©丘文建筑摄影-邱日培


I just thought of another question.  In China, it seems that architecture is more important than landscape, but I know that in other countries, landscape architects and architects cooperate together. Do you think landscape should get first and then invite architects into the landscape? 


AECOM was responsible for the London Olympic Master plan, and it was driven by a landscape architect. Landscape can and should really encompass the communities we create, the cities that we live in. For me, landscape has no borders. It goes beyond our country and our national border.  When you're in an airplane, our cities are sat within landscapes. 

2012伦敦奥运会 ©AECOM


I think landscape is incredibly important, and in today's society with big issues that we face globally, particularly in terms of climate change and biodiversity loss, landscape architecture plays a very important role in our city development.

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For urban development in this technological age, the power of landscape cannot be underestimated. It can revitalize historical heritage by creating a more inclusive and sustainable public space. At a macro level, landscape connects communities to the surrounding green space, and cities to the greater nature. This is a connectivity which may even extend beyond national borders. Xi’an, as an open metropolis of the Belt and Road Initiative, can not only lead to a Silk Road of history and culture, of technological development and innovation, but also a green Silk-Road- corridor of environmental protection, by integrating landscape with high-tech development.


审核编辑 | Miranda

采访/撰写 | Ming、Zhenyu、Jiqing / Yutong


