
Jeri Oka

JERDE资深副总裁、 资深设计主创

Senior Vice President & Senior Design Principal


B.Sc (Landscape Architecture)

California Polytechnic University


11月4日至11月30日,JERDE在清华大学设计中心举办了名为“体验不同”的专题展览。当月20日JERDE资深副总裁兼资深设计主创Jeri Oka女士,为活动带来“体验式的未来”专题演讲。

建道很荣幸作为特邀媒体,聆听了本次专题演讲,并对Jeri Oka女士、及JERDE中国区董事总经理、资深副总裁刘昶昇先生(Mark Liu)进行了深度访谈。







Jeri Oka

JERDE资深副总裁、 资深设计主创

Senior Vice President & Senior Design Principal


B.Sc (Landscape Architecture)

California Polytechnic University







刘昶昇|Mark Liu


Sr. Vice President & Managing Director, China


B.Arch Illinois Institute of Technology












█  作为JERDE的设计主创,您在大学读书期间,印象最深刻的设计项目是什么?

Which design project impressed you the most when you were at California Polytechnic University?




我在SWA实习期间,有幸参加了一个为期四周的研修活动。我们坐着大巴在加州各地参观著名建筑项目。其中,艺术家野口勇(Isamu Noguchi)的California Scenario公园让我眼前一亮。该项目受科斯塔梅沙市一个背景强大的家族所托,也是野口勇去世前创作的最后一批项目之一。


California Scenario公园 © Internet








California Scenario公园 © Internet


It was a long time ago, but there are a couple of projects that changed my thinking in design. One of the projects that impacted me the most was that kind of project that shaped my career in landscape architecture. I received an internship at SWA, one of the best firms at that time. It was a four-week summer program in Sausalito. I remembered that we took a bus all over California to see monumental projects as a retreat. What impressed me was the California Scenario, designed by Isamu Noguchi, a significant artist.


The garden was commissioned by the secret family in Costa Mesa and was considered as one of the last projects Isamu did before he passed away. California Scenario was interesting because it talked about a whole narrative regarding California. It focused on these various scenes within this medium-sized courtyard that spoke about the significant areas of California, such as Joshua tree, the aqueduct, or the lima beans where the project was located in. There were a lot of Japanese farmers in that area. They used to grow lima beans. So Isamu literally used lima beans to make a little sculpture, which is quite impressive. The sculpture talked about the ability to look at these various scenarios in speaking about a narrative. It gave you a bigger idea, what the California scenario is. Another fantastic piece was that he painted all the surrounding walls white and used lighting to create a different effect from daytime to nighttime. You can imagine, California scenario is a real experience of a theatrical quality in a sculptural nature but done in a minimalist way. So, I believe that the project is quite significant.


█  野口勇的这个项目,对您现在的设计实践产生了怎样的影响?

How did Isamu's project impact your current design practice in JERDE?




野口勇作为一个雕塑家,能够将雕塑与空间相结合,从三维视角去解读空间,这恰是平面设计师不太具备的东西。 而JERDE则有着与野口勇相似的观察空间的角度,我们力图从多重层面、不同角度去看待建筑、景观、空间,不断开拓出创新之作。


Ever since then, when I worked on projects, I would like to speak about the bigger idea by telling a compelling story. As a sculptor, Isamu Noguchi looked at the space in three dimensions, and that's the difference between a flat artist and a sculptor, using the light quality to get around the whole object. This sort of virtue is we talk about JERDE, which has a similar design process.


█  JERDE在城市综合体环境及空间设计方面有丰富创意,设计初期,这些创意来自哪里?

We can see many creative ideas in JERDE’s environment and space design of urban mixed-use development. Where did these ideas come from in the early stage of design? 










We don't believe JERDE's design principles just come from one source. The creative processes come up from all kinds of different pieces. It's almost a coalition of a lot of different pieces. The creativity comes from how you put when you understand the definition of the problem and how you solve that problem by using a creative manner.


With that in mind, since we believe in the authenticity of a project, the creative part comes from understanding the origin,which is what and where the project is,what is the history. After we did research,  we could figure out how to choreograph and organize these together. Creativity is really important, because sometimes as an artist, you just do what you want. But in architectural practice,creativity is how to take all the different factors involved and understand who you're designing for. You also have to understand the parameters of the site and the needs of the client. When you put all these together, you could easily mix them up with various aspects. That's what we call the idea of mixology. The creativity comes from that.


At JERDE, we know we're making a project, but we don't know what we're really making quite yet until going through investigations and spending time on the site and working with the client. Visiting and understanding all the parameters help to get a real good feel about how we use our creativity in a certain direction and how to make it sustainable. Because you can be creative, and it can be a fun project, but that can't just sustain the whole longevity of a project by just having fun. You need to add a few fun sprinkles to an overall big idea.



业态混合 © JERDE


█  在实际项目中,景观设计有时处于建筑设计的附属地位,在JERDE您是如何把景观设计和建筑融为一体的?

In commercial projects, landscape design is often considered to belong to architecture design. So how do you connect architecture and landscape design when overseeing a project?










日本难波公园 © JERDE






That's the big difference between JERDE and other firms. Sometimes people separated architecture and landscape design, but they are inseparable.  Because sometimes designers are so preoccupied with building the object without understanding how it is going to actually affect the surrounding neighborhood, how it's going to set up, and how it's going to interact with context. So, the two have to work closely together. As a designer, you need to run various tasks at the same time.


Most of the time, the idea that we are looking for is connectivity. The project is right there, but the significance of that piece of development is how it affects the surrounding area in every direction. And we call those catalytic projects. Connectivity is to create a catalytic effect and ignite the whole block that brings a bigger development in the overall region. 


That is to say:when we look at our project and get to the boundary line, we cannot stop there. We have to look at its whole surroundings in order to come back. With landscape architecture training, that is very essential and basic. At JERDE, a lot of “timeless” comes from the idea of sustainability that we were doing for a long time. Now it has become a keyword. The ability to take its surroundings in a natural context or natural metaphor helps us to create more “timeless” sustainable projects.


Another important thing to us is that landscape architecture and the way we perceive space is through the orientation of the person, the people, and the users. That is a natural way of design in JERDE. So, it is easy to transit between landscape and architecture. Nowadays, most significant projects are being developed from the landscape base, such as the High Line. It revolutionizes the world and the way people work. The idea of integration of the public space is an “urban choreography” Lots of them coming from the training of landscape architects.


高线公园 © Internet


█  自然景观与人工景观如何很好的共处?JERDE的三亚海棠湾君悦这类项目,当度假性景观插入到自然景观中,自然景观保护和开发的“度”,该如何掌握?


When developing a resort project in natural environment like Grand Hyatt Sanya Haitang Bay Resort & Spa,how do you master the balance between nature conservation and site development?









日本难波公园 © JERDE









三亚的海棠湾君悦酒店 © JERDE


That is always hard. When working on that kind of project, you have to take pristine green space away and replace it with manmade space. So, you need to balance manmade and nature. A lot of our projects have integration with nature. We look at it in a different way from the landscape perspective, so we try to figure out how to bring back some existing elements on-site, which provide the spiritual qualities. Our most projects are structured,and what we are creating is multiple various grounds. The natural ground that you walk on is considered as existing green. A concept at JERDE is vertical density. It is to create a feeling on the next level up. Because in Asia,you're limited to the horizontal, so you have to grow up to create “another ground” Then the space experience is mixed with the lower ground, the middle ground, the upper ground, or a roof. We also focus on natural light. Of course, in Asia, it's really hot and humid for some months. We have to use the air conditioning. But in other projects, we are able to introduce a breathable environment that allows us to plant on multiple grounds with different ways of greenery. With an open mind about greenery, there are so many new components we can use. It is not limited to vertical green walls. We need to bring a new way of planting at the beginning of a project. What we always do is figure out how we can work with the structure to quickly identify those significant areas that we can bring in nature in. It won't be a problem if you do it early on. When building projects vertically, it is hard to coordinate the structural conditions. At least for our firm, we realized the importance of the natural connection. We tried to work with the structure in that way.


█  在城市综合体等商业项目中,例如可口可乐园区、难波公园等,当设计师和开发商有不同意见时,要如何展开合作?

Many projects you’ve involved in are commercial projects, such as the Coca-Cola Park and Namba Park, etc. How do you cooperate with the developers when you have different opinions?











The challenge of handling the client is a part of our profession. At the beginning of projects, we have workshops with the client. Everybody can take an equal seat on the table during the workshop. It is a very engaging process. We always like the way to work closely with the client. They can compare different ideas. We ask them to invite anybody from their organization, and their opinions will influence the design. We utilize that to have a dialogue with the decision-makers.


Sometimes clients feel uncomfortable, and we have all kinds of people on our team to help communication. That's why we have a team. Sometimes clients really appreciate our enthusiasm, but they may not like your idea. You need to have someone in the team to convince them and have the client explain why they don't like it. So, the first thing is to understand why. We don't want to be defensive, but we want to truly understand the reason.


Sometimes clients cannot honestly tell you they don't like it because they think it will hurt your feelings. Or they're dealing with other parameters, or they have other ideas, but they never discussed it. We were so enthusiastic about this idea that they can explain it. A lot of that is true, then questioning them why they can interact and have a design relationship. So, the workshop makes us have to build a dialogue with the decision-makers.


█  您从事了近30年的景观设计,做了很多国际项目,您认为中国目前的景观发展处于什么阶段?

You have been engaged in landscape design for more than 30 years and have done many international projects. How do you think about China's current landscape development?











城市环境 © Internet


Our involvement with China has been a long time. We first worked in Beijing before 1996. We remembered that interviewing consultants was kind of behind the times, but now it is different, it seems Chinese education has improved. A lot of people who have been abroad had come back to China. And because Internet technology is accessible, there is not much gap between China and the current international landscape level. No matter which country you are in, people can keep pace with times and learn more information online.


To my understanding, the people in Beijing have continuously emphasized the design of both indoor and outdoor spaces. Beijing has distinct seasonal changes and the ability to integrate various factors, which makes people feel that it is a sustainable city. I understand that there is pollution, but that the pollution aspect must be no different than the US. Urbanization did result in pollution. That's what people face. Buildings that occupy an essential place in the world also produce pollution during the construction process. However, some measures can be taken to alleviate this situation. I appreciate that there are a lot of Chinese periodicals that produce the ability to integrate more of nature's role with the built environment.


Urbanization doesn't necessarily mean that you make all these amazing looking objects as an architect. It means the integration of the sustainable nature of that. I do think that Asian cities really understand the significance of TOD (a transit-oriented design project). TOD means people will have multiple benefits, rather than get from one place to another. It can also become a real hub or a living room for a city. I think that's an excellent thing here in China and wish that even the United States should look at that more. It is a good phenomenon that China can make development plans according to the problems it faces. 





█  可否给景观和设计专业学生及青年设计师一些建议?Can you offer some advice for landscape architecture students and young designers?




From primary school to high school, I studied in a British school in Hong Kong. After that, I went to the Illinois Institute of Technology to study architecture. After I went there, I felt that education methods in Asia, Europe, and the United States are different. The basic education method in Asia is to do homework and endorsement. In short, don't ask, just do it. The British education I received in middle school was not as open as the United States, and it was still a bit strict. At the university, I discovered that the American education method is to stimulate your imagination and bring you back to the age when you often asked why.








For the students in Asia, they should be able to express themselves and come up with questions. Although education for students sometimes is not open enough due to the system, I still hope that everyone can be creative, instead of just cramming. You are not a copying machine, you can see many new things, or you will be interested in something, so you can be creative. I believe that questioning is about finding facts. If you question what you're doing, and you know you're using your mind to think. You should reinforce this kind of free-thinking.


You have to believe your ability to challenge yourself, that what you do may not be enough. Each of us has incredible power. So you have to be free to express your ideas.






Chinese students studying abroad should absorb local culture, learn English as well, and communicate with local students as much as possible. Don't just get a diploma without understanding the culture. Because as architects, we must not only understand science, but also art, culture, philosophy, history, and so on. This profession is too complicated. It is not an endorsement but an accumulation of personal experience, experience ,and knowledge. So many great architects did not start to achieve until the age of 50, because they had been laying the groundwork for the first 30 years. When you study in school, it is just basic skills, and there is still a long way to learn.

访谈 / 文案|Sara Li, Spring Sui

翻译|Lynn You

校对|Yiwei Huang,Sherry Li




